True team players pay with their fan app

The ultimate club love, at home and on the road.

Take your app to the next level.

By integrating the Bluecode SDK, you can engage your fans even more closely with your club. Not only will you upgrade your app to a digital value-added platform and payment tool, but you will also create your own digital ecosystem as a club. The highly secure and proven technology and maximum data protection make our SDK attractive for any app provider.

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More revenue and smoother breaks.

With payment built right into your app, your fans can shop faster and easier. It also takes the pressure off your merchandising and concession stands during short breaks, leaving you with more revenue at the end of the day.

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Build your digital ecosystem with Bluecode.

Bluecode provides you with the right set of tools for fan activation. This allows sponsors, local restaurants, retailers and petrol stations to easily place customer loyalty programmes such as discounts or vouchers in the app. This win-win-win situation benefits not only you and your fans, but also your local partners.

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Reward your fans for loving their club.

Incentivise the use of your club app with digital rewards. Use bonus cards and vouchers to encourage your fans to use the club’s apps more often, for example by collecting points or activating new vouchers in the app. Involve your stadium partners, such as breweries or catering companies, in your promotions.

Competitions as an attractive feature.

Now you can easily integrate competitions into your club app with Bluecode. Participation in the competition works via the Bluecode payment system.

Each Bluecode payment generates a raffle ticket. The more often you pay with the app, the higher your chances of winning.

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Bluecode DeviceBluecode Pay Gewinnspiel

A tip

Use the Bluecode m-commerce feature for spontaneous promotions in the stadium. Your fans can order and pay for items with a simple swipe within the app.

Possible headline: “Get our goal scorer’s autographed shirt for the special price of €100!”


An overview of the Bluecode loyalty programmes.

Bluecode DeviceBluecode Clubkarte

Loyalty cards

Bluecode Device

Bonus cards

Bluecode DeviceBluecode Pay Gewinnspiel


Bluecode Device


Fans already use club apps to pay at stadiums.

Fortuna Düsseldorf


FC Augsburg

FC Augsburg

TSG Hoffenheim

Adler Mannheim

Adler Mannheim

Become a Bluecode Business Partner

And enable your fans to pay directly with their fan app.